Workshop on Graphical Abstract Design
We are very enthusiastic to announce our “How to design a graphical abstract” OLISSIPO Workshop.
This workshop will be held in person on 19th April 2024 at INESC-ID (Room 9, Floor -1).
OLISSIPO WORKSHOP | “How to design a graphical abstract”
19th April 2024
09:00-18:00 (WEST, INESC-ID)
Dr. Rita Félix (CNC Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Coimbra, Portugal)
Registration is free but mandatory for organizational purposes. Seating is limited and confirmation of attendance will be given as soon as possible. Please register until 5th April 2024. To register, go to this link: https://forms.gle/fwzvZbAp48wpSFjG6
“How to design a graphical abstract” Workshop aims to explain what a graphical abstract is, and give you design tools and tips on how to create a better, clear and engaging graphical abstract. This workshop is tailored to give you tools and improve your graphical abstract, without having to learn how to use a new software program (like Adobe Illustrator). Bring your graphical abstract, share it with the class, work on it and take home a new version.
Short Bio
Rita Félix, CNC Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (Coimbra, Portugal)
Rita Félix is a science communicator, illustrator and designer, with life sciences research experience. Currently working as the Institutional Communication Manager and Designer at CNC-UC. She completed her PhD in Neuroscience in 2020, in the Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme. After that, she enrolled in a Digital Illustration Specialization Course to further develop her visualization and design skills. Worked as a Scientific Graphic Designer at Science Crunchers, a science communication company, where she developed multiple graphical abstracts, article figures, infographics, diagrams, illustrations, visual identity, logos and webdesign for companies, scientific institutions and Horizon 2020 consortia.
We are looking forward to meeting you!