Work Packages


Short-term staff exchanges

This work package aims to promote and strengthen collaborations between the Twinning partners, leverage the scientific profile of INESC-ID staff and support further activities. In particular, the goal of WP1 is to implement effective staff exchange between the Twinning partners. These visits also include the exchange of administrative staff to improve project management skills at INESC-ID. Besides the exchange programme, the consortium will gather every year for lab retreats, which will take place in the four participating countries during 3-4 days. These will include all members of the different teams. Also Early Stage Researchers (ESR), PhD and MSc students will be invited to participate.

Participating partners:
INESC-ID (Lead partner), Inria, ETH and EMBL


Organization of joint events, schools, workshops and conferences

The goal of WP2 is to organize scientific events such as summer schools, workshops and international conferences. These activities will cover the research topics identified and will target not only the scientific community but also participants from the industry. It will also support the preparation of international conferences (e.g., ESA-ALGO) and the organization of Computational Biology seminars – the OLISSIPO Twin Seminars – which can contribute to disseminate the scientific work and expertise of all the consortium and contribute to attracting new talented researchers to INESC-ID. WP2 will benefit from the consortium experience (e.g., Statistical Data Analysis for Genome-Scale Biology (CSAMA); Ascona Workshops; ADDICTION School; and Software developers meetings).

Participating partners:
Inria (Lead partner), INESC-ID, ETH and EMBL


Dissemination, communication and outreach

The main aim of this work package is to give visibility to the project work plan, achievements and results through activities targeted to divulge and promote the events. It includes the creation and maintenance of this website, the production of promotional material (e.g., video, poster, leaflet and newsletters) and communication and presence in the media and social media (newspapers, radio/TV, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube). It also includes outreach activities, benefiting from EMBL’s long-lasting experience, to promote public’ awareness of Computational Biology and, more in general, of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) academic disciplines. Several activities will reach and engage young students from secondary schools in Portugal by divulging scientific results, invite them to visit INESC-ID, and participate in computational challenges. This WP will strongly involve the ESRs and their ideas, thus giving them the opportunity to strengthen their communication and dissemination skills.

Participating partners:
EMBL (Lead partner), Inria, INESC-ID and ETH


Enhancing the scientific profile of Early Stage Researchers (ESR)

This work package describes activities dedicated to promoting Early Stage Researchers (ESR) careers. It aims to leverage the research potential of students in the first years of their PhD programmes and also students that have recently received their MSc degree. OLISSIPO will support scientific internships and exchanges, and participation in conferences and workshops to promote international collaborations. Training courses in topics that include soft skills (e.g., scientific writing and presentation skills), intellectual property issues, and open-source software are also planned.

Participating partners:
ETH (Lead partner), ETH, Inria and INESC-ID


Strengthening the research management and administration skills of INESC-ID

This work package aims to increase the management and administration skills of INESC-ID and improve the overall technical competences of its staff. It will define the necessary activities for the establishment of a Research Management and Administration Unit at INESC-ID. Specific training for the coordinator and INESC-ID staff in management will also be provided (e.g., project proposal preparation, general project management, administration and reporting, dissemination activities and outreach planning and implementation, management of personnel, data management, ethical aspects and data privacy issues.

Participating partners:
INESC-ID (Lead partner), Inria, ETH and EMBL


Project Management

The overall objective of this work package is the implementation of a sound project and financial management plan including, reporting to the European Commission, ensuring delivery of results in time and within budget, and maintaining a high-level quality of the deliverables. It describes the overall support for both management and administration of the project and for all partner-members of the OLISSIPO consortium. WP6 also addresses the Data Management Plan and organization of all project’s meetings.

Participating partners:
INESC-ID (Lead partner), Inria, ETH and EMBL

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