Lisbon – Lyon: The first OLISSIPO staff exchange was inaugurated!
After one year of restrains in work travel due to the pandemic and online meetings, we finally inaugurated the OLISSIPO staff exchanges.
During one week, from March 17-24, 24, three Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), the coordinator and the project manager joint the Inria team in Lyon.
ESRs presented their work, followed by Q&As:
Carolina Peixoto (PhD student) | Computational Biology for Modeling Oncological Transcriptomic Data.
José Basílio (PhD student) |Spatial transcriptomics of aortas from high fat diet mice.
Mónica Silva (Master) | Approaching Omics: From Medical Imaging to Computational Biology.
Prof. Susana Vinga, the OLISSIPO coordinator, presented the work of INESC-ID team:
Susana Vinga (PI) | From sequences to clinical data analysis: bridging computer science and bioengineering for modeling biological systems.
General discussions about the ongoing and future projects and career paths did also take place.
It was a wonderful week to share knowledge and ideas! Thank you for receiving us 🙏